Dedicated Ambition AZ

Dedicated Ambition AZ

Empowering Ambitious Employees To Start, Grow & Earn With A Digital Business.

Hello, my name is Joshua Johnson. I remember when I started my journey to becoming a freelance digital marketer. How terrifying and impossible it seemed. The feeling of uneasiness, going over numbers and forming budgets, the schedules and appointments, don't forget all the formatting. It's no secret more people fail than succeed at starting a business period. I want to help make sure you are one of the few to achieve success! I believe in mind over matter. I believe that your hard work and dedication shouldn't commit you to the "employee mindset" prison; we achieve what we believe, start viewing your 9-5 rat race as your key to freedom. If you change your mindset, you can instantly change your life and the lives of your loved ones!.

About Me.

Empowering ambitious employees to start, grow and earn with a digital business is what I do. Transcending the chains of the employee mindset with digital marketing so you can focus more on building your dreams and not someone else's is who I am. Before becoming an entrepreneur and starting my own digital business, I felt trapped in what I refer to as the "Employee Mindset." I was unaware that there was an actual term for it.

I am a father, a son, a brother, a friend, a confidant and a dedicated worker who stems from humble beginnings. I am the oldest of two sons of a single strong black woman. My birth father was not one to stick around, so he left when I was still a baby. My brothers' father lingered until we had reached adolescence, then he split. I grew up quickly and learned a lot from my dads, what to do differently and, most importantly, what not to do. Still, I do not feel bitter or harbor hate towards these men. I do not know the circumstances thoroughly, and let's face it, my mom may be slightly bias towards one side when telling me stories. But I do know that not having a male figure to guide me in life drastically changed the trajectory of my future. Long story short, single mom, no dad around, leave just the streets. When you are young with no male guidance, you do dumb things to gain acceptance or look "cool." However, the streets are cold-blooded. I take full responsibility for my actions growing up. It was me alone who was responsible for those decisions. However, I feel those decisions and ultimately the outcome of those decisions made me who I am today.

I consider myself to be a great employee. I was mostly on time, always stayed late, did my job in a timely fashion. I went above and beyond for the customer. I would do my product research at home to correctly answer that one customer with that oddball question. I would use products so I could recommend the best one to the next customer. I considered what I did, giving people unfiltered information allowing them the opportunity to make their own decisions. Helping people is a big part of customer service. Another big part of customer service is the customer. You cannot control the customer, and some will bring absolute negativity to the workplace and even cause stagnation.

SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT DAY. You know what I'm talking about. "Living The Dream." Not your dream, though. It could feel like a nightmare when everything is so routine. Still, most people will never venture out into the world of uncertainty. Instead, they will live the same nightmare day in and day out, justifying their actions with phrases like "job security." Well, I'm here to tell you that uncertainty is not that uncertain.

Contrary to belief, most millionaires, yes, I said millionaires, are never totally uncertain about their risks. It's true. You have to do what everyone else won't, like take risks. Risk is necessary.

Most successful entrepreneurs start with the end in mind and account for all the risks before taking action. Furthermore, a reconditioned mindset is one of the greatest tools in your toolbox. You don't have to pay much either. Most motivational material is free. All it takes is Dedication + Hard work, + Consistency. That is why I started this movement. I was tired of being stuck in the employee mindset, working hard to accomplish someone else's dream. No were to advance without significant sacrifice. I refuse to accept that I would have to work myself to death and miss my son growing up. All to be broke and in debt when I died. I do not want my child stranded in some generational curse where he is hindered, trading his TIME for MONEY! I plan on showing my son How To Fish, not just showing him the lakes.

Helping ambitious employees start, grow and earn with a legit digital business is what I do. Obliterating the chains of the employee mindset so you can focus more on building your dreams and not someone else's, that's who I am. Before becoming an entrepreneur and starting my own digital business, I felt imprisoned in what is called the "Employee Mindset." I was unaware that there was an actual term for it or that it even existed.

I am a father, a son, a brother, a friend, a confidant and a dedicated worker who stems from humble beginnings. I am the oldest of two sons from a single mother. My birth father was not one to stick around, so he left when I was still a baby. My brothers' father stuck around until we had reached adolescence, then he split. I grew up quickly, and I learned a lot from my dads, what to do differently, and most importantly, what not to do. Still, I do not feel bitter or harbor hate towards these men. I do not know the circumstances thoroughly, and let's face it, my mom may be slightly bias towards one side. But I do know that not having a male figure to guide me in life drastically changed the trajectory of my future. Long story short, single mom, no dad around, leave just the streets. When you're young with no type of male guidance, you do dumb things to gain acceptance, to look "cool." The streets are cold-blooded, but I take full responsibility for my actions. It was me and me alone responsible for those decisions. However, I feel those decisions and ultimately the outcome of those decisions made me who I am today.

I consider myself to be a great employee. I was mostly on time, always stayed late, did my job in a timely fashion. I went above and beyond for the customer. I would do my product research at home to correctly answer the one customer with the oddball question. I would use products so I could recommend the best one to the next customer. I considered what I did, giving people unfiltered information allowing them the opportunity to make their own decisions. Helping people is a big part of customer service. Another big part of customer service is the customer. You can't control the customer, and they can bring negativity and stagnation to the workplace.

SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT DAY. You know what I'm talking about. "Living The Dream." Not your dream, though. It could feel like a nightmare when everything is so routine. Still, most people will never venture out into the world of uncertainty. Instead, they will live the same nightmare day in and day out, justifying their actions with phrases like "job security." Well, I'm here to tell you that uncertainty is not that uncertain.

Contrary to belief, most millionaires, yes, I said millionaires, are never totally uncertain about their risks. It's true. You have to do what everyone else won't, like take risks. Risk is necessary, so is timing, but that is another story.

Most successful entrepreneurs start with the end in mind and account for all the risks before taking action. Furthermore, it would be best if you viewed a reconditioned mindset as one of the most excellent tools in your toolbox. You don't have to pay much either. Most motivational material is free. All it takes is Dedication + Hard work, + Consistency. That is why I started this movement. I was tired of being stuck in the employee mindset, working hard to accomplish someone else's dream. Nowhere to advance without a significant sacrifice in the time, I spent with my son. I refused to accept that I would have to work myself to death and miss my son growing up. All to be broke and in debt when I died. I do not want my child stranded in some generational curse, where he will struggle, trading his TIME for MONEY! I plan on walking my son to the ocean and showing him how to Fish.

Where I Started and Why I am Awesome.

Since as far back as I can remember, it has always been difficult for me to succeed. I am not saying that I am incapable of success. It just seriously feels like I somehow find a way to downplay my abilities or hold back my drive and ambition to conform to what other people thought I "should" be, Not what I know I "could" be.

The world refers to this as The Fear of Being Successful. I didn't know that there was a term for it. I just felt like maybe this was something that I only experienced. Like I was alone in this way of thinking. I believe what I learned growing up about life is partly to blame for my un-successfulness. Our brain works on two principles, Fight or Flight. That's it. As children, we learn to survive, not thrive. Previously, "It's lonely at the top" is all that would come to mind when I thought about becoming a successful entrepreneur. Or the famous, More money, more problems...

The Fear of Being Successful to me is:

  1. Not amounting to what your "close people" think you should amount to. Not living up to the expectations of a loved one can create an unnecessary Burden of Stress and Dependence.
  2. Doubt - Based on Survival that is taught or un-taught through principles and rules. This doubt creates a Prison of the Mind.
  3. Hard Work - Fearing who you need to become to be successful. The thought that running your own online business would be more demanding than a regular nine to five job based on customer service. This fear of hard work creates Hesitation = No Action.

I started this business for two reasons. The first is my son, better described as my why. I would do anything for him. The second reason consists of three parts: Independence, Security and Freedom. There is a great motivational speech by Eric Thomas where he goes into talking about being successful. I was the opposite until I had my son. Then, within a year of a "regular job," I knew I would not provide the life and education for my son to thrive. I was finally beginning to understand Mr. Thomas's words, and I was struggling to breathe. Drowning, as a matter of fact, and I've had two major asthma attacks, so I know how it feels to suffocate.

Enter ENTRE Institute and the ENTRE Blueprint...Focusing on improving the 3 P's has changed my life and the lens I view my life through.

I was able to Break the Chains of The Employee Mindset! My Mentor Jeff will help you break yours!!

Contact Me

+1 (520) 585-5917

4764 E Sunrise Drive #1005

Tucson AZ, 85718

4764 E Sunrise Dr, Tucson, AZ 85718, USA

Copyright 2021 Dedicated Ambition AZ LLC All rights reserved